medusa clash of titans 2010

medusa clash of titans 2010. Clash of the Titans (2010)
  • Clash of the Titans (2010)

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Report: #39;Wrath of the Titans#39;
  • Report: #39;Wrath of the Titans#39;

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. 2010 Medusa.
  • 2010 Medusa.

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. DVD Review: Clash of the
  • DVD Review: Clash of the

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Medusa+clash+of+the+titans
  • Medusa+clash+of+the+titans

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. medusa quot;clash of the titansquot;
  • medusa quot;clash of the titansquot;

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. of Clash of the Titans.
  • of Clash of the Titans.

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Clash of the Titans Poster
  • Clash of the Titans Poster

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. medusa clash of titans 2010.
  • medusa clash of titans 2010.

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. But the Medusa changes seem to
  • But the Medusa changes seem to

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Clash of the Titans.
  • Clash of the Titans.

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Medusa: Clash of the Titans
  • Medusa: Clash of the Titans

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. CLASH OF THE TITANS.

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. New Clash of the Titans
  • New Clash of the Titans

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. The gods of Olympus have
  • The gods of Olympus have

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Clash of the Titans (2010)
  • Clash of the Titans (2010)

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Medusa in Clash of the
  • Medusa in Clash of the

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Medusa+clash+of+the+titans
  • Medusa+clash+of+the+titans

  • medusa clash of titans 2010. Medusa#39;s Head - Clash of
  • Medusa#39;s Head - Clash of

  • Hi ,
    I have in my .xib file two views,
    one is the main view that connected to the view outlet from the file's owner and
    the second one I named ABC from the code

    -IBOutlet UIView *ABC;

    my question is how do I call the ABC view from another class if ABC view isn't
    connected to the "view" outlet from the file's owner

    I can call the main view from another class

    LoginRegisterViewController *viewController = [[LoginRegisterViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"LoginRegisterViewController" bundle:nil];
    self.loginRegisterViewController = viewController;
    [viewController release];