having owned every mac mini from 1.66 c2d to a 2010 2.66ghz .
you need to upgrade if :
1)you game a lot.
2) If you want dual screens of 1080 p
3) if you are a handbrake freak
4) if you want a 27 inch hi end led screen with 2500 by 1400 resolution

grotesque man in a top hat

they added a top hat and

of Hoppity in Top Hat,

Interests: Drawing.

such as: top hat, bow tie,

top hat walking

Larkin#39;s top hat (below)

Dimensional Drawings

in a top hat called Mr. A.
you need to upgrade if :
1)you game a lot.
2) If you want dual screens of 1080 p
3) if you are a handbrake freak
4) if you want a 27 inch hi end led screen with 2500 by 1400 resolution